August 2014 News
This Auto Accident and Personal Injury blog by Bart Durham Injury Law discusses significant legal issues for residents of Tennessee and Kentucky.
Tattoo ink defect may be more widespread than initially thought
When a design or manufacturing defect is identified, recalls are often issued to prevent consumers…
How long do you have to file a lawsuit after a car accident?
Car accidents are a daily occurrence on Tennessee's streets and highways. Ranging from minor…
What are the impacts of "Amelia's Law" in Tennessee?
Effective July 1, a new driving under the influence law went into effect. It's important to be…
GM files indicate a failure to investigate signs of fatal defect
Nashville car owners often place their families' lives in the hands of vehicle manufacturers,…
What should a person do after an auto accident?
There's been an auto accident with another vehicle. Now what? The first step to take is to make…
Medical product recall issued for intravenous solutions
Many people in Nashville suffer from serious medical conditions and rely on treatments that involve…