Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

Tips for Safe Driving When Sharing the Road with Semi Trucks

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Jun 27, 2024 8:00:00 PM

Driving alongside semi trucks can be intimidating due to their size and weight. Understanding how to share the road safely with these large vehicles is crucial for all drivers.

This guide provides practical advice for navigating highways and local roads alongside semi trucks and highlights the importance of being vigilant to avoid accidents. If an accident does occur, knowing a reliable semi truck accident lawyer, like those at Bart Durham Injury Law, can be invaluable.

Understanding Semi Truck Capabilities and Limitations

  • Size and Speed Adjustments: Semi trucks, due to their massive size and weight, have longer stopping distances compared to passenger vehicles. It's vital to allow more following distance when driving behind a semi. This extra space is necessary for safe stopping and unexpected braking.
  • Turning and Maneuvering: Semi trucks have larger turning radius. Be cautious not to squeeze in between a semi truck and the curb, especially on right turns where the truck may need to swing wide to navigate the turn safely.

Maintain Safe Distances

  • Avoid Blind Spots: One of the critical safety tips is to stay out of semi trucks’ blind spots, often called "No-Zones." These are areas around the front, back, and sides of the truck where the truck driver has limited or no visibility. If you can’t see the truck’s mirrors, the driver likely can’t see you either.
  • Do Not Tailgate: Following too closely behind a truck can be particularly dangerous. If the truck stops abruptly, your reaction time and the physical space available to stop your vehicle safely might not be sufficient, risking a collision.

Pass With Care

  • Passing Etiquette: Always pass semi trucks on the left side, where truck drivers have the best visibility. Ensure you have ample space to pass safely and signal clearly before changing lanes. Once past, avoid cutting in too quickly in front of the truck. Ensure you can see the truck in your rear-view mirror before returning to the lane.
  • Be Predictable: Use signals well in advance of making a move around a truck. This communication helps truck drivers anticipate your actions and manage their vehicle's speed and positioning safely.

Weather and Road Conditions

  • Adverse Weather Handling: In poor weather conditions like rain, snow, or fog, the risks of driving near semi trucks increase significantly. Reduce your speed, increase your following distance, and use your headlights to remain visible to truck drivers and other motorists.
  • Road Conditions: Be extra cautious on roads with potholes, uneven surfaces, or construction barriers. These conditions can cause unexpected truck movements, such as swerving or sudden stops.

Semi Truck Accident Lawyer in Kentucky and Tennessee

Despite taking all precautions, accidents can still happen. If you find yourself in an unfortunate situation involving a semi truck, it’s essential to seek professional legal help.

A specialized semi truck accident lawyer can provide the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of such cases. Bart Durham Injury Law can offer an experienced semi truck accident lawyer who understands the intricacies of truck accidents and can help protect your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

At Bart Durham Injury Law, we have years of experience in handling personal injury claims, including those involving semi trucks. Our team is committed to offering compassionate and competent legal representation.

Contact us at Bart Durham Injury Law today to learn more about how we can assist you if you’re in need of a semi truck accident lawyer in Kentucky or Tennessee.

Let us help you get the compensation and peace of mind you deserve!