Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

What Types of Accidents do Lawyers Cover?

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Jul 24, 2021 3:30:00 PM

Did you know that, on average, there are more than 31 million personal injuries reported annually in the United States?

With that statistic in mind, it’s quite likely you'll find yourself in need of an injury lawyer at some point. Personal accidents can occur anywhere at any time. If you do end up needing an injury lawyer, you’ll want to be well informed on the types of accidents they cover.

It’s also important to recognize not all lawyers have experience with injury-related cases. Finding an injury-specific law firm is imperative to your personal injury case. You’ll want to ensure you find a specialized lawyer who can handle your case properly.

Here are some of the ways an accident lawyer can work with your injury case:
  1. Types of Accidents
  2. Permanent Injury Accidents
  3. Sustained, Severe Injuries
  4. Cases of Medical Malpractice
  5. Workplace Injuries
  6. Become Fully Informed
  7. Let the Professionals Handle it

Types of Accidents

When it comes to personal injury, there are many different ways you could find yourself in an accident. Whether you’ve experienced a car related accident, a work related accident, or a medical malpractice accident, various types of personal injury can be covered by an accident attorney.

Permanent Injury Accidents

In some unfortunate cases, accidents occur that result in injuries that significantly affect your physical capabilities or appearance for a long time, or even permanently. If you’ve determined that your injury is debilitation, it may be time for you to contact an experienced accident lawyer to get the most out of your claim.

Sustained, Severe Injuries

Severe accident injuries are just as common as permanent injuries. The severity of your injuries is typically measured by the amount of your medical bills, the type of injuries you have, and the length of time it takes for you to recover — if your injuries are not permanent. In cases such as these where compensation depends on the severity of your injury, it may be worth the expense to have an accident lawyer handle your claim.

Cases of Medical Malpractice

Another type of personal injury that could require you to need an accident lawyer, would be in cases of medical malpractice. If you have suffered an injury or illness due to careless, unprofessional, or incompetent treatment at the hands of a doctor, nurse, hospital, clinic, laboratory, or other medical provider, you could be entitled to compensation. 

Are you in need of an accident lawyer? Connect with Bart Durham Injury Law to make your claim today. 

Workplace Injuries

Similar to medical injuries, you may find yourself in a situation where an accident occurs at work. This is typically more common for those who work in more industrial environments, as they typically handle heavier machinery and equipment. If you or a loved one has experienced any type of injury due to workplace safety negligence, you could be entitled to compensation. Connect with a local accident law firm to make sure your case is handled professionally. 

Become Fully Informed

While you can try to do your own research online, injury and accident laws change all the time. This can lead you to find advice that is outdated or incorrect. In contacting an educated accident attorney in your state, you will obtain information about laws that are relevant to your situation and to the geographic location in which your accident occurred.

During the aftermath of a personal accident, you’re likely to not only be in pain, but will probably deal with a multitude of stressful emotions. Like most people, you may have no idea what your legal options even are in regards to your accident injuries. In talking with an accident attorney, you can outline your choices — the positives, negatives, potential outcomes, as well as provide general peace of mind.

Let the Professionals Handle it

When you get hurt at work, in a car accident, or even at the doctor, it’s not your job to be your own lawyer. Personal accidents can bring on a lot of stress and financial strain on top of injury pain and downtime.

Remember that any information found online has the potential to be outdated or incorrect, and could set you up for failure. In cases such as these, it’s best to connect with a local injury attorney to assess your options and move forward with your claim professionally. In the long-run, you’ll save yourself time and money by letting the professionals handle your injury case from the get-go.

Bart Durham Injury Law represents victims  of various personal accidents to get them the compensation they deserve. Do you or a loved one need to make an accident claim? Don’t go through this alone, give our expert team a call.