Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

Distracted Driving: It’s Much Worse Than You Think

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Jul 3, 2023 6:00:00 PM

Distracted driving has become less of a problem and more of a growing epidemic in the United States. While strict laws have greatly impacted the dangers of distracted driving, it appears Americans are not digesting the message, as texting, consuming alcohol, eating, etc. is still a serious issue.

What is Distracted Driving?

Any activity that diverts attention from driving is considered to be distracted driving. Even small distractions such as changing the radio station or checking your map for directions can cause an accident.  In 2017, distracted driving took 3,166 lives, according to an article from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Here are a few of the most common types of distracted driving:

  • Using your cellphone
  • Eating and drinking
  • Having a conversation with people in the car or on the phone
  • Daydreaming
  • Playing with the radio, adjusting the volume and temperature
  • Reaching for things

The Dangers of Distracted  Driving

Drivers are still using their cellphones nearly every time they get behind the wheel. This not only puts other drivers in danger, but nearby pedestrians too. According to the National Safety Council, cell phone use while driving leads to millions of crashes each year. Taking your eyes off the road boosts the likelihood of a collision by nearly 20% (Zendrive). 

Not only is distracted driving extremely dangerous, it can take a toll on a person’s financial stability. If you’ve experienced a serious car accident, chances are your car insurance rates have climbed tremendously. 

How to Prevent Distracted Driving

Avoid doing any of the examples mentioned above to prevent yourself from experiencing a car accident while behind the wheel. To be less tempted to text or use your phone while driving, it’s helpful to turn your phone off or on airplane mode.

Eating and driving is very common, especially when driving long distances. If you’re stopping to get food, eat it before you get back on the road to avoid an accident. 

Reduce the number of times your adjust things on your dashboard and reaching for objects while navigating the roads.

The more aware behind the wheel, the less likely you are to suffer traumatic injuries or death. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured by someone who was driving while distracted, give Bart Durham Injury Law a call - it's always free and someone can take your call 24/7.