Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

Common Reasons You Might Need an Injury Lawyer

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Sep 19, 2021 3:30:00 PM

Did you know that unintentional poisoning deaths in the adult population were not prevalent until the early 1990s? While poisoning isn’t the most common form of injury or death in the US anymore, you may still find yourself in need of an injury lawyer. If, despite our best efforts, you or a loved one becomes injured, you'll want to be as educated as possible. 

Many lawyers across the United States have experience handling injury cases, but not all have relevant training. Finding an injury-specific law firm is crucial to your case, regardless of the nature of the injury. Look no further if you're not sure what would qualify the need for an injury lawyer. 

Here are some of the top reasons you may need an injury lawyer: 

  1. Consider Your Case

  2. Injury Types

  3. Medical Malpractice

  4. Workplace Accidents

  5. Let the Professionals Handle it

Consider Your Case

It is likely that you will not only experience pain after a personal injury, but will also deal with a variety of stressful emotions. Oftentimes, people are unaware of their legal options when it comes to their accident injuries. Getting to know your case and assessing the pros, cons, potential outcomes along with receiving that general peace of mind is possible in speaking with a personal injury lawyer.

Although you can try to do your own research online, laws change all the time and you may find advice that is outdated or incorrect. An attorney can advise you regarding laws that are relevant to your situation as well as the state in which your accident occurred.

Injury Types

A serious accident can result in physical or psychological harm that could last for a long time or not heal at all. To ensure that your claim gets the most compensation for your injury, you might want to contact a lawyer who has experience with injury claims.

Injuries sustained in accidents can be serious as well as permanent. A person's injuries are usually gauged by the amount of medical bills, the type of injuries they have, and how long it takes them to recover - if they are not permanent. In situations such as these, where compensation may depend on the severity of your injury, it could be worth having a lawyer handle your claim.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is another type of injury that could require the services of an injury lawyer. Medical malpractice can occur when doctors, nurses, hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other medical providers perform incompetent, careless, or inattentive treatment that causes injury or illness to patients. 

Medical or health care professionals who deviate from standards in their profession, through negligence or omission, may cause errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare, or health management for patients. To ensure your protection and receive any compensation you may need, contact a local injury lawyer. 

Are you in need of an injury lawyer? Connect with Bart Durham Injury Law to make your medical malpractice claim today. 

Workplace Accidents

A work injury can be very similar to a medical injury. In a more industrial setting, where heavy machines and equipment are typically handled, this may be more common. You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one has been injured as a result of workplace safety negligence. Workplace accidents can occur at any time, anywhere and can vary in severity. To ensure that your case is handled professionally, contact a local injury law firm. 

Let the Professionals Handle it

When you get hurt at work, in a car accident, or even at the doctors office, it’s not your job to be your own lawyer. Personal accidents can bring on a lot of stress and financial strain on top of injury pain and downtime. Remember that any information found online has the potential to be outdated or incorrect, and could set you up for failure. 

In cases such as these, it’s best to connect with a local injury attorney to assess your options and move forward with your claim professionally. In the long-run, you’ll save yourself time and money by letting the professionals handle your injury case from the get go. 

Bart Durham Injury Law represents victims  of various personal accidents to get them the compensation they deserve. Do you or a loved one need to make an accident claim? Don’t go through this alone, give our expert team a call.

Contact Bart Durham Injury Law today!