Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

Auto Accident Lawyers Can Get You Out of a Sticky Situation

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Jun 25, 2021 5:58:18 PM

On average, 6 million car accidents occur annually in the U.S. With millions of car accidents in a year, you may find yourself in need of an auto accident lawyer. Even if your accident does not result in an injury, auto accidents, especially in the city, can result in a lot of sticky situations and be disastrous for your bank account.  

Regardless if you caused the accident or not, knowing how to cover all of your auto accident claim bases is important. When you hire an auto accident lawyer, you’re able to receive the right legal guidance to handle your entire case. If you’re still unsure how a car accident attorney can help you, we’ve compiled a list to help you out.

4 ways an auto accident lawyer can get you out of a sticky situation:
  1. Establish Fault
  2. Range of Damages
  3. Vehicle Damage
  4. Insufficient Compensation

Establish Fault

When it comes to your automobile accident, whether you are at fault or not, an auto accident lawyer can assist you throughout the entire legal process. However, if an accident was not your fault and the police report inaccurately describes the incident, a lawyer can help. 

An auto accident attorney can determine who is responsible for any vehicle or personal damages by compiling more evidence than just the police report. When fault is not clearly identified or inaccurately filed, your accident claim can face a lot of issues. With the right legal assistance, you can mitigate these risks and work through your claim more easily. 

Range of Damages

If you’ve ever been involved in a car accident, then you understand the amount of damages they can cause. Whether physical harm comes to you, your passengers or the other driver, an auto accident lawyer can help you make sure you get the full range of damages you are entitled to. To maximize your recovery and ensure you get proper compensation, an accident lawyer will be able to negotiate on your behalf. 

Save yourself some time and energy by hiring an auto accident lawyer to tackle the dirty work for you. With a wide range of damages that can occur from any type of car collision, knowing your auto lawyer will have your back can be a huge relief. 

Vehicle Damage

Similarly, in a car accident, it is likely that your vehicle or the opposing vehicle will have some form of physical damage. In order to ensure your automobile is properly functioning and as good as new after the accident, hiring an auto accident lawyer could be in your best interest. 

An auto accident lawyer will be able to help you get in contact with the at-fault party or their insurance company. This is important as the at-fault party will be responsible for paying for any damage done to your vehicle. Rather than be stuck with extra expenses from an auto accident, put your trust in an accident lawyer. 

Insufficient Compensation

In some cases, when you are seeking compensation after an automobile accident, you can be met with a counter offer that might be lower than what you were expecting. Without the right legal guidance, you could end up footing a large portion of your medical or vehicle bills. However, when you hire an auto accident lawyer, you have the chance to negotiate your offer or take more legal action. 

If you are met with a low initial offer from the insurance company, an attorney can advocate on your behalf. Don’t settle quickly or on your own just to get it over with. Work with the right auto accident lawyer to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. 

Let the Professionals Handle it

When you get hurt at work, in a car accident, or even at the doctor, it’s not your job to be your own lawyer. Personal accidents can bring on a lot of stress and financial strain on top of injury pain and downtime.

Remember that any information found online has the potential to be outdated or incorrect, and could set you up for failure. In cases such as these, it’s best to connect with a local injury attorney to assess your options and move forward with your claim professionally.

In the long-run, you’ll save yourself time and money by letting the professionals handle your injury case from the get-go. Bart Durham Injury Law represents victims of various personal accidents to get them the compensation they deserve. Don’t go through this alone, give our expert team a call 24/7.