Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

8 Hazards that Can Lead to Serious Child Injuries

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | May 5, 2021 6:44:00 PM

Kids can get into all kinds of dangerous situations with lots of time on their hands and without the structure - and relative safety - of school.

Nashville's good climate means that there are still plenty of outdoor hazards in play well into fall. Below are eight of the more common threats to your children's safety that can result in some serious, catastrophic injuries.

  1. Vehicles: Whether riding in a car, boat, RV, golf cart or other type of motorized vehicle, there is always a risk of getting hurt in a serious collision.
  2. Tools: When the weather is nice, people use various tools like mowers, hedge trimmers, lawn chemicals and chainsaws. When kids are around or using these powerful tools, they can get seriously hurt if the tool breaks or malfunctions.
  3. Toys: While you may carefully inspect the toys your kid plays with at home, the same might not be said when it comes to toys or sports equipment at the playground, day care or friend's house where your child plays at other times.
  4. Recreational Gear: Water guns, skateboards, bikes, hoverboards and other equipment can be dangerous if they are defective or not operated properly.
  5. Swimming Pools: Drowning, falling and crushing accidents in or near a pool can be catastrophic.
  6. Sports: Sports kids play in the fall like football, soccer and lacrosse come with risks of concussions. Helmet use should be taken very seriously.
  7. Fireworks: Kids can be seriously burned or even lose limbs in accidents involving fireworks and other explosives.
  8. Weather: Dehydration, heat exhaustion and severe sunburns can happen even when the temperature is not triple digits.

While you cannot protect your children from every single threat to their safety or prevent every single accident, you can help keep your kids safer by being aware of these common hazards.

In the event that one of these or any other hazard injures your child, it can be critical that you seek medical help immediately. If the accident stems from the reckless or negligent actions of another party, then a consultation with a legal representative may need to be your next call.