Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

Understanding the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Oct 27, 2015 3:17:18 PM

Defective design, lead content and insufficient labels are just the start of the hazards that a child’s toy could contain. At Bart Durham Injury Law, we know that the onus is on the manufacturer, retailer and anyone else involved in the supply chain to ensure that the products you purchase are safe. Fortunately, the law agrees.

In 2008, the U.S. Congress passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. The legislation provided new regulations for a wide variety of products, ranging from jewelry and clothing to bedding and personal care items.

As the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission notes, the act also offers the following when it comes to children’s toys and products: 

  •        Mandates that any child’s product must go through an accredited laboratory for compliance testing
  •        Demands that, when practical, the product must have permanent tracking information on it
  •        Ensures that the child’s product meets all safety rules
  •        Provides that the product has a Children’s Product Certificate to demonstrate compliance

The act also specifies consequences for breaking the law, including imprisonment and fines. Further, a negligent manufacturer or other entity that is responsible for a defective toy could be held financially accountable for any damages the victim endures. For example, if a child suffers lead poisoning, the manufacturer could have to compensate his or her family for items such as medical bills.

We know how important it is that you and your family are protected from encountering a dangerous item. For more information on this topic, please visit our page on defective products.