Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

Man drinks Red Bull and dies, wrongful death suit filed

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Nov 15, 2013 9:43:37 AM

In this day and age, it seems like Nashville residents have more obligations and less time. Looking for a caffeinated pick-me-up is a popular approach to help make the most out of every day. Energy drinks are a common caffeine source, and are guzzled by many on a daily basis. According to reports, one man in his early thirties chose Red Bull as his drink of choice until he suddenly died of a heart attack.

The man's family filed a  lawsuit claiming that the energy drink helped cause the death. Although this is the first product liability wrongful death that Red Bull has ever faced, reports indicate that the FDA has verified that 18 people have lost their lives as a result of consuming energy drinks.

The deceased's family says that they are dedicated to bringing this issue to light. His grandmother describes him as a healthy man and believes that the Red Bull has to be at fault for his death.

Sources state that in the last four years, more than 13,000 people were seen in the emergency room after drinking energy drinks. While this raises serious consumer concerns, a representative for Red Bull insists that the drink is safe. The lawsuit points to several studies that indicate that Red Bull actually poses numerous health dangers.

If you have been harmed, or a loved one lost their life as a result of a dangerous product, consider turning to a products liability attorney to seek justice and try to ensure that others don't suffer the same fate.

Source: RYOT, "Red Bull Energy Drink Faces First Wrongful Death Lawsuit," Brittany Greenquist, Oct. 30, 2013