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Truck driver says Lohan tried to flee accident scene, bribe him

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Jun 13, 2012 2:04:48 PM

The driver of an 18-wheeler truck told reporters late last week that he was involved in rear-end accident with troubled actress Lindsay Lohan. Photos from the accident scene show a Porsche with a severely damaged front, indicating that she did crash into the truck at a high speed.

The driver says that after the accident, he saw that one person was injured slightly and that the people in the car that hit him seemed to be packing up their things to leave in an SUV that was following them.

The driver of the then called the police, concerned that the driver and her friends would flee. He said that a man who was in one of the car approached him and asked him not to tell police about a bag that they had removed from the Porsche, and then offered him cash to remain silent. The truck driver told reporters that the 911 tape has a full recording of the events of the day, but it has not been released to the public at this time.

Ms. Lohan has a history of driving-related troubles, from DUI charges to other hit-and-run allegations. Her past conduct leaves many to wonder why she continues to hold a driver's license, but the court system has deemed that she is responsible enough to continue to operate a vehicle.

If a case like this were to proceed to trial, it's possible that some or all of the information about Ms. Lohan's past acts would not be admissible. However, high profile individuals often attempt to avoid a trial situation where unflattering information would be made public, leading many to attempt to arrange a confidential settlement. However, the actions of Ms. Lohan's associates in this accident were not an example of a responsible settlement offer.

Source: TMZ, Lindsay Lohan Crash Truck Driver Claims Bribe Offered for Silence," June 9, 2012