Bart Durham Personal Injury News & Blog

Tennessee trooper dies in Nashville motorcycle accident

Written by Bart Durham Injury Law | Sep 3, 2011 11:05:10 AM

In our last post we discussed the reflections of country star Casey James about a motorcycle accident that he was involved in several years ago. James said that the motorcycle accident made him realize how precious life was and caused him to become more appreciative of life. Although celebrities like James are involved in Nashville motorcycle accidents and survive, it is more common for average Nashville residents to be involved in crashes. Unfortunately it is also common for motorcycle crash victims to not survive.

One recent motorcycle crash victim who did not survive his injuries was a 46-year-old Tennessee Highway Patrolman. The off-duty trooper lost control of his bike yesterday around 5 p.m. on Pleasant Grove Road. He was fatally injured and his wife also sustained personal injuries.

"The loss of (the trooper) will not only be felt by our organization, but by the entire law enforcement family," said THP Colonel Tracy Trott. "He was a dedicated public servant, an upstanding citizen in his community, and a good man. He will be sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time."

The trooper graduated from Marion County High School and Northwestern University School of Police and Command. He served as a Motor Vehicle Enforcement Officer for the Public Service Commission for 10 years and a Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer for the Department of Safety for approximately 8 years.

The trooper is the second trooper to die recently. Another trooper was killed in the line of duty in May.

Source: Clarksville Online, "Off-Duty Tennessee State Trooper Killed in Motorcycle Crash," Sept. 2, 2011